Sunday 2 November 2014


I am currently in year 11 and doing GCSE art yet I never let anyone see my work. So my teacher hardly sees what I do and therefore can't give me feedback so that I can improve. I need to improve my confidence in my work so that I can do well and I thought how better to do that than post it on here. ( I will still be doing fashion posts don't you worry). I am also rubbish at annotating so posting on here will also help me talk about my work, this again comes back to the lack of confidence that I have in my work.
Here are 4 examples of my photography. At a family party recently I got hold of a really good camera and had the chance to try it out which I must say did benefit me so much. This camera made it easier to focus in on the face which my normal camera does not allow me to do as well. Also it had a much quicker shutter which aloud me to get much clearer photos.
With these photos I really like how the back is black and this is mostly due to the fact that it was quite dark out when these photos were taken and they were taken outside. These also makes her face more centre of attention which is what is wanted when a photo of a person is taken. It also helps with what she is wearing. The fact that she is wearing white makes it stand out amongst the black background more than, say grey, would've.
The top picture is particularly interesting because, though the girl is the centre of attention and in focus, the two younger girls in the back ground make it more interesting. I think this helps by them not being completely in focus and it fills out the photo somewhat.
I hope you liked this post and I have to say I was really scared actually writing this. Right now I am actually debating posting it or just saving it. Do I really want my work on the internet for people to judge?
Anyway next time I WILL be back with a fashion related post.