Sunday 22 February 2015

Outfit from: H&M

My sister and I have decided to share this blog in a way. She's going to do the modelling and I'm going to do the photography. This was purely so that you guys can have decent photos as with her doing the photos its wasn't going to end well. It also means that we can brainstorm for blog ideas together and we now have a blogging notebook to write all the ideas down in.
One of these ideas is the outfit from series. This is a series that we will continue to do where we put an outfit together with all the items coming from the same shop. The fact that we can now dive into two wardrobes makes this way easier.

In the first outfits from post I am going to do H&M. H&M is easily one of my favourites stores and most of my wardrobe is made up of their items. I find that the clothing there is not too expensive or cheap and has great quality as well as having so many items that I like. This outfit is kind of rocky in style and is made up of Amy's clothing. This is more her style though I do love how the outfit has turned out.
Everything in this outfit is from H&M except the shoes ( oops) this is because we don't own any shoes from there so we just put some shoes that would suit the outfit , these beauties from Truffle, with it.
I hope you like this post and I will be back soon and hopefully soon after that!

Thursday 19 February 2015

Happy Birthday To Meeeee

On the 5th of February I turned sixteen. Now you may be wondering why on earth I am posting this post now on the 19th. Well, I don't really have a good reason except for the fact that I have had SO much on that I completely forgot to post ( I know I know and the bad blogger award goes to).

So anyway on my birthday my twin and I woke up crazy early ( and by crazy early I mean like six) not because we were so excited but purely because if we woke up any later there would be no time to open presents and get ready! We launched into Mums bed at that crazy hour to open our presents,sorry mum! I thought that you guys would like to see some of the lovely things that I received for my birthday so here we go...
can I just say that in no way am I bragging or showing off. some of you may be thinking wow she gets everything and others may be thinking that its hardly anything. Some parents have more money than others and choose to spend their money in different way including how much they spend on their children.

The first present that I unwrapped were these beauties from New Look. I got these from my step dad because I wanted some higher heels than I already had. As you can see they have already been worn ( oops should have taken photographs earlier I know) but I wore these to my friends party. They weren't TOO uncomfortable......but my feet still hurt afterwards.

The next thing that I received was this amazing beautiful furry gilet from H&M. I got this from my twin who knew how much I was debating buying it and just  brought it anyway. This ended up as a good move as I now live in this and it makes every outfit just a little bit

This present is an adorable charm for my bracelet which I got from my Mum. Last year for my 15th she brought me a warren james take on a Pandora bracelet because I wanted one so much but she couldn't justify spending the amount that it was on it. Anyway the bracelet arrived to me with the 'daughter' charm on it. This year I got the 'sister' one to go with it and I just thought that this was such a cute idea for my Mum to do.

Another present from my Mum was this perfume. She said that as I am now 16 I should start smelling nice ( thanks mum!) But this perfume does smell AMAZING and the bottle is so cute yet simple. I love this scent and it is now my go-to scent for a special occasion.

OMG I was so over excited about this present from my Mum. I had been hinting at wanting this for absolutely ages now like nearly a year. Unfortunately in the time that I was lusting after it Pandora rings had become a massive craze where I live especially this kind. I still love this ring though and I am so happy that I have it!
At school , as well as thousands of happy birthdays from some people that I'd never talked to before, I got this lovely freedom Topshop choker from one of my friends. We aren't the closest and it surprised me that she got me something and that she knew me so well. I really like this and wore it when I went out for a meal that evening.
I also received this beautiful bracelet from one of my Mums friends. I really like this especially as it goes really well with my other well worn bracelet which is a metal star on black cord.
This is not all that I got as I did receive a lot of money and vouchers as I went shopping in Manchester in the weekend. I was going to post my purchases from them as well but it made this post a whole lot longer so I might do that as a separate haul  soon.
I also received the Kate Moss rimmel lipstick in shade 08 from my sister. This is literally my favourite shade ever and since I got it I have worn it nearly every non school day. It is like my perfect shade. Unfortunately I seem to have misplaced it. It really upsets me as it was a present that I loved so much :(
Anyway, I will try and get back to blogging soon so you guys will see a load of new blogs coming your way.
Beckse xxx